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The Nineteenth-Century Motorist Project


These pages are lovingly assembled by Craig Horner. My intention here is to reach a wide audience based on my on-going research into early motoring and cycling. I intend to add material as it becomes available. Additions or corrections are welcome. Subject matter will be mostly, but not always, relating to the United Kingdom, which at the time meant all of the British Isles.


I would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Manchester Statistical Society; the Library at the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, Hants; the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester; the Archives of the Royal Automobile Club; the Society of Automotive Historians in Britain; and the Richard Roberts Archive in Stockport.



Craig Horner

c/o Richard Roberts Archive

Unit 14, Adswood Industrial Estate

Stockport SK3 8LF



Published February 2021:

Craig Horner, The emergence of bicycling and automobility in Britain



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